Sub Themetic Details

Author : Meena Khwairakpama and Renu Bhargavab.
Address :  (aDepartment of Civil Engineering, Malviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur 302017, India, bDepartment of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), Roorkee 247667, India).
Abstract : Bioconversion of filter mud using vermicomposting employing two exotic and one local earthworm species.
Journal : Bioresource Technology,
Volume No. : Volume 100(23)
Publish Year : 2009
Page No. : 5846-5852
Main Data : Three different earthworm species Eisenia fetida, Eudrilus eugeniae and Perionyx excavatus in individual (Monocultures) and combinations (Polycultures) were utilized to compare the suitability of worm species for vermicomposting of filter mud as well as the quality of the end product. The filter mud blended with saw dust can be directly converted into good quality fertilizer (vermicompost). Eight different reactors including three monocultures and four polycultures of E. fetida, E. eugeniae and P. excavatus and one control were used for the experiment. Vermicomposting resulted in significant reduction in C/N ratio, pH, total organic matter (TOC) but increase in electrical conductivity (EC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and macronutrients (K, Ca and Na). Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) dropped up to 1.64–1.95 mg/g (volatile solids) VS/day for monoculture reactors and 1.45–1.78 mg/g VS/day for polycultures reactors, respectively, after 45 days of vermicomposting. Cocoon production and the earthworm biomass increased as vermicomposting progressed. On an overall the mono as well as polyculture reactors produced high quality stable compost free from pathogens and no specific differentiation could be inferred between the reactors. Keywords: Filter mud; Vermicomposting; Eisenia fetida; Eudrilus eugeniae; Perionyx excavatus
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